Wednesday, January 11, 2017

Why did I choose Avon?

Reasons people miss work:
  1. Sick
  2. Kid(s) sick
  3. Family emergency
  4. Car trouble
  5. Home issues
  6. Child Care issues
  7. Doctors Appt
  8. Death in the Family 
  9. Vacation               
This list goes on!! Those are just a few of the reasons why working people miss a day or two or more while working. You can never determine how long you will be out for either. So think about those reasons and how often you have had to miss work for any reason.
This is a benefit of working for yourself. You can make your own hours, be your own boss, and be home with family in the times of need. Or when something happens you don't have to dread that call to the boss that you won't make it in that day. We all know how Boss's hate to have anyone call off work. Been there and done that.
This past week in my house was and still is a sickery. I've got 3 kids sick and a sick husband. Picked up 2 sick kids Monday from school early and they missed Tuesday. Sent one to school today because she's doing better, but the oldest is still working on getting better. My youngest is bounced back to herself. If I worked out of the house, I would have probably lost my job missing 3 days of work to care for my sick children. One main reason I'm glad I work for myself.
Think about going into business for yourself, invest in becoming an Avon Independent Sales Representative. You can visit my estore and scroll down to where you see This Is Boss Life. Or you can visit use my reference code mcoddington. You will have 3 choices in your beginner kit. That will all depend on how much you want to start out with.

Give it a try. Ask your family and friends if anyone would be interested in purchasing Avon and helping support you in your business.
Think how great it would be to not have to answer to someone every day or have to worry about missing work for a sick child. Men can sell Avon too. Join me today and see what it's all about and get your hands on some great products and use your personal reviews to make sales.
#beyourown #beautyboss #avonRep

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