Thursday, January 31, 2019

Welcome to 2019

Well hello folks. It's been a very long time since I last blogged. I so need to get myself better organized with my business. I'm not a very organized person at all, but I'm working on it. I got myself a little desk to help. I had a portion of my kitchen designated as "Avon corner" and it was crazy anytime I got a call with an order I had to pull things out to write it down. Now I have a small set-up where I don't have to put my order forms away or hide them. It's all set out and ready for anytime someone calls with an order. So far it has helped.
So how has life been for you all? Me, well let's just say I've been quite busy with working. I still clean on the side, but not as many houses as I used to do. I have a full-time job as well as Avon. It's crazy but I'm doing it. I am a Housekeeper at a local hotel and absolutely love it. They are an amazing group of people to work with, and also doing what I enjoy.
What are you hoping happens this year? Let this year bring you the best of everything. For me this year, well I've picked up to do two vendor events. I'm excited about that too. I've already made some samples for one and a check list so I don't forget anything.
It's been super cold here and I don't like it. Kids missed school yesterday and today for the temperatures. With it being so cold, we stayed indoors today and played games and everything.
I don't want to bore you all with this Welcome Blog, so I'll call it quits for today. I will be trying to get back into blogging more.
If you haven't checked out my estore for a while, you might want to. There are some new products that have come out and new ones in the near future.
Shop now
Join Avon reference code mcoddington
Have a safe and warm day!!